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Europhonica at Eye: the radio experience of young Europeans

On October 9, 2021, Raduni, the Association of University Operators and Media, took part in the European Youth Event (EYE) by promoting an innovative and daring activity: streaming from the radio studios in the European Parliament in Strasbourg together with the participants from all over Europe.

From ten to thirteen o’clock, live from the Megalizzi-Orent-Niedzielski radio studios, the twenty-six speakers from the Italian university radio stations of  Raduni involved young Europeans in debates on important and constructive issues about the EU.

The project carried out by the editorial staff of  Europhonica (a RadUni format), included training to be able to conduct a talk: from the technical aspects, including the timing agreed with the direction department, to the use of the voice, including the approach with the microphone.

The broadcast with participants in the project was dynamic and active, involving young people from all over Europe and stimulating conversations on European issues: Agenda 2030, work, sport, food and the future of young people were some of  the topics at the center of the radio talks, which were streamed  on all the radio stations of the RadUni circuit.

Interaction and integration were the keywords of an engaging and educational project, based on inclusion and participation. Participating in the various activities was as engaging as illustrating the functioning of a radio to the EYE project participants.

A unique experience, focused on exchange and mutual enrichment, which brings with it the joy of having involved many young people in their first experience in a radio studio.

The activity is available on the EYE website to all fans of radio and European issues, click here!

Giovanna Delvino

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