In memory of our beloved friends Antonio Megalizzi and Bartosz Orent-Niedzielski RadUni has decided to open a competition for a Degree Award relating to a thesis discussed at a university based in an EU country. The thesis must concern the subject of college and university radio and/or, more generally, college/university or community media (associations and volunteering), whether they be Italian or foreign, as a whole or focusing on specific activities.
Our Award seeks to promote the study of community media, as well-meaning and innovative communication tools, from both a planning, artistic and operational point of view.
Call for proposal RadUni Degree Award
The competition is open until the 30th of September 2021. For all the information regarding the application and the participation requirements we refer to the notice of competition. The notice is available in 24 languages, thanks to the work of our partners of the Audio and Podcast Unit of the European Parliament.
For any further information contact us at
Download here the notice of participation to the Degree Award 2021 Edition
The translation of this page was made by the Audio and Podcast Unit of the European Parliament.